Another in my FS (the Far Side): series of blog posts.
Trying to understand a situation through someone else's perspective is critical. To do this you need to take a step back, withdraw your own conclusions and ask yourself why? If you spoke a different language, lived in a different climate, had a different educational background, or if your experiences were not the same as another person, you would likely come to different conclusions. Try to find them. How we communicate has changed dramatically.
Today, it is very easy to connect with people the world over. At the same time, more and more frequently these interactions are filtered and 'personalized' based on past activity and consumption. As a result, despite the abundance of information available, we are seeing more and more of what is consistent with what we've seen in the past. Our past is constantly being reinforced with similar content creating an echo-chamber of information. You have to break out of these barriers and think more broadly in order to take advantage of what is available today, or you'll be destined to make assumptions. Comments are closed.
AuthorRoss R. Nunamaker Archives
July 2023